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Aditya Skin Clinic : Be Perfect & Boos your confidence!


laser tattoo removal

Tattoos which are impulsively embedded in youth become a source of embarrassment in later years. Tattoos can be of various colours and appropriate hand pieces are used to remove red, yellow and black pigment. Multiple sessions may be required for professional tattoo, whereas amateur tattoos can be removed in 3 sittings. Again it is the Q-Switch 532/ 1064 laser which is used for the procedure.

The advantage of this procedure, like in all previous lasers lies in its office based treatments which do not require expensive hospital admission.

Rosacea and Hemangioma are effectively treated with VL 540 IPL in three to five sessions at fortnightly intervals. It is also a convenient method of treating superficial hemangiomas.

laser hair Removal

This centre employs a brand new Diode 808 nm painless Hair Removal laser. In each case the history of the patients is obtained to separate familial hair growth from hirsuitism caused by hormonal imbalance, especially Polycystic Ovary Disease.

The procedure consists of shaving the hairs and then placing the chilled Diode 808 nm hair removal laser with unichill tip on the skin and moving the hand piece in symmetrical fashion while triggering the laser with the desired power levels. Higher power is used for fair skin patients, moderate power for wheat skinned patients and low power for dark skinned patients. Large areas of skin can be completed within half an hour. Post treatment redness will persist for a few hours. Normally six to ten sessions are required at monthly intervals. Upto ninety percent reduction in quantity of hairs can be achieved.

There is slight risk of superficial burns in dark skinned individuals which is temporary and fades with the use of depigmenting creams and sunscreens within a short period of time. Post-operative care would require avoiding unnecessary sunlight and meticulous use of sunscreens. Patients are advised not to bleach their hairs, wax or thread in the monthly intervals between the procedure.

laser mole removal

Moles are removed with the CO2 RF Exited laser or RF Quetery depending on the size and site of Moles. They are selectively targeted with a stream of laser pulses. Within couple of minutes, patient will get rid of unwanted moles.

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