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hair loss treatment

It is normal for people to lose some hair daily. In fact, on an average, 100 hair losses in 24 hours is normal for healthy individual due to washing, brushing and combing. According to the dermatologists when the scalp hair starts to thin and when more hair is lost through normal shedding and the scalp is not able to re-grow the loss then people should start to get concerned and get themselves checked by dermatologists.

Treating hair loss is a long drawn process and the patient will have to continue the treatment with patience. Upon the start of the treatment many patient would notice increased hair loss. This is because after the medication starts, the hair follicles are stimulated to produce new hair shafts. These new hair shafts try to come up and in the process dislodge the old hair. This is just a part of hair re-growth and should not worry about it.
Another concern of the patients is to know about the visible results of the treatment. The results for the treatment to be visible would take at least 2-3 months and sometimes a year. This is because; hair follicles produce hair in cycles. They have a resting period and a growth period. In order to see the overall effectiveness of the treatment, we need to wait for all the hair follicles to come to their growth cycle period. So don’t follow the claim that promises quick hair re-growth.

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